The P. I. T. S

In the 70’s Audrey McLennan recognized a group of congregants who were not as connected as were other members. She then created a “Singles” Group for those who were “divorced, never married, or widowed.” The first meeting was at Audrey & Norm’s home. We decided to meet every other Friday evening at the participants homes. Our first task was to choose a name which led to “People In Transition”. After a month of being “The P.I.T.” we decided on adding the “S” so that it reads “People In Transition --- So?” (P.I.T.S.)

We had great Friday night parties while we forged many friendships.

One of my memories was when we challenged the choir to a baseball game at our annual Crescent Park church service. By the 2nd half a few of the choir members were asking to join our team! Thank you, Audrey, for recognizing the needs of a specific group within the congregation! 

By Bonnie Neil


Lighting the Advent Candle


Wasaga Women's Retreat